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reorientate views..


New member
hi.. if I create a drawing using one of the default templates it automatically insets the front, side and top view from the proe model..

but now I'm getting an error

"Geometry needed to orient the general view "VIEW_TEMPLATE_1", on sheet 1, is missing."

now after reorientating each of the 3 views (after changing some goemetry), the view in my drawing don't update?

anybody know how to do this?

sorry for the newb question

Edited by: james.lynch
I can re-insert the views no problem but surly there is an update button, I've clicked every regen/repaint/update menu I can find..
Hi James,

Might be a stupid question but have you tried replacing the sheet thru page setup?


Max Weston.
Have you started your parts with the default datum planes. If you started the parts without a startpart or without default datums, I believe Pro/E will choose it's own geometry to set the views up. Views must be defined by selecting planes to orient the object in the view. If you had no datums, Pro/E must select a piece of geometry. If that piece of geometry Pro/E used to orient the view no longer exists, you havethe issue you are seeing.
I think it is nice to have the templates that set views up for you, but there are also consequences for usingdrawing templates with pre-defined views.
You should only need to re-orient the main view, all the other views should project properly off of the main view (main view is the first view placed on the drawing).

I have learned this. If you use anything (default) in Pro/E, Pro/E makes choices sometimes that make no sense at all from a "correct modeling practice" standpoint. Probably a programming issue of the programmer did not know correct modeling practices
Hi James,

If you are using Wildfire you can change the view orientation directly on the drawing sheet by right clicking the master view and selecting properties.

When the dialogue box opensselect <Geometry references> and reorient the view, the projected views will reset themselves.

Max Weston.


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