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ProEngineer IDF Tutorial


New member
I wrote a tutorial on how to import IDF data of a PCB created by an ECAD system into Pro/Engineer. I found only pieces of information across the web so I wrote this in hopes of making it easier for someone to figure all this out.

Here are some files that can be used to demo the IDF exchange. I've included an *.emn and *.emp of a PCB that was laid out in an ECAD software package. I've also include ProE parts and a sample file to link the parts.


Please leave any suggestions for improvement if you have any.

Edited by: fiebigc
Good tutorial, thank you. I'm just debating whether its worth trying to use this process for a fairly small (80mm by 30mm) PCB, or whether we should just swap .dxf files around. Looking at the PTC information, I was under the impression we would need ProductView, is this correct?

I read you guide and have a couple of suggestions to make

Create the Pro/E PCB with the bottom side of the board at z=0 so it matches the imported board and alighing coordinate systems makes checking easier.

Don't use a single step to import PCB and components. Import the PCB, save; then import the components on to the PCB.

Especially for large PCBs, use
ecad_import_holes_as_features no
or a board with 6,000 holes may take 15 minutes to import instead of 1 minute

In general, don't waste your time trying to correct correct the geometry in sketcher. 9 out of 10 times it won't regenerate after fixing. However you can use it to find the fault to get the EE to fix the problem

If your ECAD components are in the library, be aware that library catalog won't allow the import process to find instances of components. Anything with an instance MUST be on search path. Also see here

Nice tutorial

Maybe you could also add information about the different ECAD regions in ProE, since there are some issues to be taken into account. See this topic:

[url] 044[/url]

and the document I linked there.

(Edit: Changed link address to hyperlink)

Edited by: Zestje
Hi Fiebigc,

The tutorial looks great.

We added some helpful Pro/ECAD links at the bottom left of our homepage information, general Pro/ECAD information, etc....hopefully it will be of value to Pro/ECAD users.

I think a poster above alluded to the fact that a Pro/ECAD module is required to import IDF files into Pro/E. It has been about a decade since Pro/ECAD was a stand alone module. It comes standard with all Pro/E packages.

AtSimplified Solutions, wehave also created a number of custom emn filtering tools for various customers that allow users the ability to quicklysimplify an emn file prior import.The usercan have the ability to remove certain components by size/region/name, certain holes by type/sizes, different ECAD regions, etc. prior to Pro/E import, etc

If anybody is interested in this type of functionality, feel free to contact me using the information below.
<DIV>Keith Richman
Simplified Solutions Inc.
410-420-7853 (United States)
[email protected]</DIV>
I wrote a tutorial on how to import IDF data of a PCB created by an ECAD system into Pro/Engineer. I found only pieces of information across the web so I wrote this in hopes of making it easier for someone to figure all this out.

Here are some files that can be used to demo the IDF exchange. I've included an *.emn and *.emp of a PCB that was laid out in an ECAD software package. I've also include ProE parts and a sample file to link the parts.


Please leave any suggestions for improvement if you have any.

Edited by: fiebigc

Is this tutorial still available in that particular link provided?

I checked the tutorial is no longer available. If someone has the tutorial, please post it here again.

Is this tutorial still available in that particular link provided by Fiebigc?


I link takes to and even after registration nothing is available. Please somebody has that particular tutorial and post here again.
Hi Fiebigc, could you please re-post your tutorial and example as it is not available now? Thank you very much.

