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Problem while rotating parts


New member

Sometime when I try to rotate the part (even in sketch mode) the part (or the sketch) disappears! is it a bug of proE, my computer or a wrong setting?? (I have a Dell precision with Nvidia Fx1400 Graphic card)

To find the part again I have to press The "refit" Icon or play with the zoom in-out!!Please help because it makes me nervous!!

Its not a ProE bug, neither is your computer.
Try to activate Spin Center On, then when you will rotate or spin parts, it will rotate and spin only over this spin center.
This often happens when while rotating or spinning mouse cursor is to far from part then when you try to spin it part goes off screen. Also try when rotating and spin to move mouse cursor close to part.

Hope it helps
Thanks Isair,

I'll try, though I don't think that's the issue. Sometimes the part appears again but in a confused wireframe...some lines are missing and only few of them are on the screen. Then I have to shade on-off and play with the zoom......

Anyway, I hope you're right ....i'll see....

Thanks !!
Huh, if this is not the problem then I suppose it problem with your graphic card drivers.
Try to install latest drivers for your graphic card, also try set in yours graphic card settings all to Best performance OpenGL.
Also in you have option graphic, set it to opengl.
You may also try playing with your graphic card driver to tweak them to work better, how to do that look at this site
But before you are going to play with drivers make sure you create restore point in windows (just in case that something goes wrong)
Ihad the same problem with dissappearing part. Usually at the end of the day, when the cursor movements are not so accurate. So, yes, the correct solution is to move mouse cursor close to thepart.


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