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Pro/E Student Edition


New member
Hello, Is Pro/E Student exactly the same as commercial Pro/E?

Is it also true that you can save as Pro/E commercial version if you have a Pro/E floating license on the same computer?

So, if you had both Student and Commercial you'd be able to use files from one on the other?
You cannot do a Save As from the student version to commercial version, or vice versa. I've heard of a special converter for Universities, but I have not seen it.

The student version has the same capabilities as the commercial version. However, there is a watermark on plots from the student version.
Student version and commercial version are the same.

You can open your files in commercial edition which you have designed in educationals' one and vice versa; for doing that you should use the floating license which is available in educational one. I mean activated the floating license-->save your file in educational edition then open it in commercial one.

for opening your files in educational which you have designed in commercial you need to do nothing, just open! :)
There is a difference between the educational version and the student version. The ed version does not require the program to have the pro/e cd in the cd rom while the student version does. Also, you can't open commercial version files in the student version but you can with the educational version, if it is configured for that. The educational version does not plot with watermarks and the student version does. All of the above applies to the 2001 release - I am not familiar with any of the others.
I'm very sorry gruhe'

but none of the editions need CD in cd rom becouse I have the working experience with both of them and as I mentioned you can open files in both editions!

I'm talking about 2001 release...
Not so, Mardit!

I own Pro/E SE 2001 and Pro/M SE 2001. I can confirm that you DO need the CD in the drive for the SE version to run. I believe that SE is identical to the commercial version, apart from the file formats, which are not interchangeable.

I believe the Educational version (which is targeted at schools and universities) runs with a licence manager, just like the full commercial release, and the files are compatible.

However, all of the documentation that came with my SE bundle (which is MUCH cheaper, and is targeted at individual students and professionals for learning at home) states categorically that files are NOT interchangeable with the commercial version. If there is a away of inerchanging files, it is undocumented, and is probably in contravention of the licence agreement.

I don't know how many versions of Student Edition (SE) there have been, but yes, I am specifically talking about the 2001 release of SE. I thought you were too, because you said:

I'm very sorry gruhe'

but none of the editions need CD in cd rom becouse I have the working experience with both of them and as I mentioned you can open files in both editions!

I'm talking about 2001 release...

If I read all of the postings in this topic CAREFULLY, the original question is about file compatability beween the Student Edition (NOT the Educational version, which is NOT the same thing) and the full Commercial version. You may be right about file exchange between the Educational version and the full commercial version (I don't know, because I don't have a copy), but the documentation with SE 2001 specifically states that you can't exchange files with the commercial package.

Actually I don't know what are u looking for but I was talking about Educational and commercial editions not Student ed.
Please help...

Is "Wildfire 2.0 Student Edition Personal Use" able to import and
export files in format IGES, DXF or DWG? For example to transfer
objects to or from AutoCad and 3DS Max.

Thank You for answer...
Let me see if I can muddy the water somemore with my limited experience.

For each release of Pro/E there seems to have been at least a couple of different versions that have been generally available. They are:
<LI>Student Edition (SE)- for use by the individual STUDENT and PERSONAL USE. This has basically all the same features as a commercial version BUT:</LI>
<LI>when plotting a drawing it prints FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY on the borders</LI>
<LI>you CANNOT use a file created in SEin a Commercial version and vice versa youCANNOT use a file created in a Commercial version in SE</LI>
<LI>there are a few other differences such as you can't create a CNC file; you can't collaborate; you can't buy a maintenance agreement; you can't take advantage of PTC Univerisity training materials</LI>
<LI>With Pro/E 2001 SE- you DID have to have the CD in the drive when running the program(MY experience)</LI>
<LI>With Wildfire 2.0 SE - you DON'T have to have the CD in the drive when running the program (again MY experience)</LI>[/list]
<LI>Education Version - for use in the UNIVERSITY and CLASSROOM</LI>
<LI>I can't answer what happens when you print/plot ... whether there is FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLYprinted on the borders.</LI>
<LI>You CAN use a file created on the Student Edition in the Educational edition and vice versa</LI>
<LI>With Pro/E 2001 SEthis was just the case and there was never a requirement to use any type of file converter. This may be due to the way the Educational version was loaded at the college I took the class in.</LI>
<LI>With Pro/E Wildfire 2.0 SE however:</LI>
<LI>NOTE !!!! - To use a file created in the EDUCATIONAL version on a SE Version, youMAY have to use a FILE CONVERTER. I'm not clear if this is dependent on how the the Educational version was loaded or if the system admin can effect this. </LI>
<LI>MY EXPERIENCE -- to use a file created (Pro/E Wildfire 2.0)in the Educational versionon a SE version, do the following:</LI>
<LI>go to the TOOLS Menu in the Educational Version</LI>
<LI>here you will see a CHECK BOX that says EDU - COM</LI>
<LI>if the box is CHECKED you CANNOT use a file created in the EDUCATIONAL version on a SE Version</LI>
<LI>if the box is UNCHECKED you CAN use a file created in the EDUCATIONAL version on a SE Version</LI>[/list][/list][/list][/list]
<LI>Try-out Version - LIMITED Time license (typically 60 days) and similar to the Student Edition in the way it reacts with the Education and Commercial versions.</LI>
<LI>Commerical Version - for COMMERCIAL use</LI>
<LI>I haven't had the opportunity to use a COMMERCIAL version yet but according to what the documentation states, you CANNOT exchange files with anything except another Commercial version. Note that I suspect that you might be able to use a Commercial version file in the Educational (University) version, but it's only speculation and I haven't tried this.</LI>[/list][/list]

Well I know this was a long answerbut Ihope this made some sense. Again this is what I have experienced. Others may haveexperienced something different.

MADBOB.... I'll try importing a DXF/DWG file into my Student Version of Wildfire 2.0 and let you know.... I'll post the answer with this thread.

I have successfully imported files to and from AutoCAD, Max, Maya etc from both the student version and the educational version, for this I used STL and Obj formats.. for autocad drawings, you can save a proe drawing as both a dxf and dwg. you can also open an autocad dwg/dxf file in the educational edition atleast.


I used Pro/e 2000i2SE as a student and recently started work for a company using AutoCAD. After getting hold of a trial version of Wildfire, I persuaded the company to purchase a full seat of wildfire 2.0.

THerefore I tried to get all of the work undertaken with the trial version converted to full commercial version compatable files (not an unreasonable request), findings where:

1. For files created with old versions of pro/e SE it is possible to open the file in text editor and alter the file header.

2. This is not possible with later releases. However there is a tool for converting SE files, needless to say PTC keep this close to their chests. There are definatly some university's that have access to this tool but you are unlikely to be able to get one of them to convert your files.

3. I opened a conversation with PTC maintainence and they directed me to the licencing office which is in germany, where they have access to this illusive conversion tool, and they refused to convert my files, quoting something from the license of the trial version.

Note: I'm sure that they said trail versions are SE versions with a short (30 day) license. And I was able to export generic files types from both 2000i2 SE and wildfire trial.


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