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"Option Not Acquired"


New member

Has anyone ever gotten the following message when trying to start the Mechanism or Design Animation Module:

"The option Design_Animation has not been acquired."?

Sometimes I get this message when trying to start the design animation module. The only thing that has worked a few times is to run the ptcsetup.bat file under the ProE/Wildfire1.0/bin directory and then a restart of my computer. But, this has only worked a few times. Has anyone else ever hadanything similar to this happen? How do I fix this?


You are probably on wildfire I am guessing. Design animation and mechanism require a toolkit license to run under wildfire after certain cuts I think around M200 this happened.
Yes, you are correct. The problem I was running into involved the Design Animation module not being associated with certain license files when running Pro/E. The Design Animation Module is only available if I randomly grab a license file containing it when launching Pro/E. I found out that if you go to Help/Technical Support can figure out what modules you are running in your current session.

Thanks for the help,



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