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Need Help: Tying FlexLM to USB NIC in Windows 2000


New member
I know this can be done, but, unfortunately, the only person I know that has done it where I work is no longer here.

Here's what I need to do:

I want to tie a seat of Pro/E to a USB NIC (Linksys USB200M), so it can be used by one of our users both here and at home. The idea is to use the USB NIC like a Dongle. I've seen this done with PCMCIA cards before.

Here are the particulars:

1. Both PCs *are* tied to TCP/IP networks, but *NOT* through the USB NIC (meaning the USB NIC is a second, UNCONNECTED NIC).

2. both Workstations are running Windows 2000.

What I need is someone that has done this to give me a helpful step-by-step. I've seen allot of messages stating that you have to disable autosense, move the USB NIC to primary and Generate a new license, but, despite having done all those, it still isn't working.

Do I need a Floating or Fixed license tied to the USB NIC?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


The easiest way is to remove the existing network card altogether then add the usb. Have a spare usb if someone needs to use your machine when you are not there.

I have mine set up this way without any problems.

You will have to get a new licence file ( I did this last week over the net and it took less than two minutes).

Go to the start menu to run and type cmd.

a dos window will pop up.

type ipconfig /all no quotes.

write down the mac address for your new licence file.

For a more complicated method of selecting the usb connector as the dominant connection go to the pro newsgroup on google, they are currently discussing it. ** I have never got it to work properly with two network cards.

Good luck,



check your licence file for floating options if you have any this will mean that your machine at home has to be on a network as well.
miked--- (indirectly) helped me allot. Apparently changing NIC priorities in the Advanced network settings doesn't actually renumber the NICs in Win2K (what a surprise).

In the Google group, someonew posted the registry keys that needed changing to fix this. Did it, and Voila! Pro/E dongle.

Thanks for the heads up on the google forum. I'll put together a how to guide, as I've noticed several partial threads here and on other forums on how to do a dongle.

Thanks again...

PS-- It goes without saying that anyone doing this does so at their own risk. I've spent the last 4 days scrubbing the Web to put this setup together, and it hosed my network connections twice in the process.

This guide *should* spare anyone attempting to do this that pain, but I won't guarantee it. Muck with the registry at your own risk :)

I actually have my license file pointing to the USB NIC which is disabled and the built in NIC enabled and connected to the local network. This magically worked under Windows 2000. Not sure it'll survive a reboot. I've had a lot of problems accessing network drives with the USB adapter. The machine will hang on intensive file I/O with the message IRQ not less or equal than ....


Bernie Hayden


PS. A much better solution is to set up a VPN connection from home.
Hi -R.

Well done on the guide!

You mentioned the following:

'and use it to generate your new FlexLM License'

Is there a step by step approach somewhere showing how this is done?


By generate he means go to the ptc site and request a new licence or call support and they will do it for you.


You have to either send the MAC address (format is: xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx) to PTC licensing via phone or e-mail, or make the change online at:

If you don't know what this is all about, talk to your CAD administrator about it. He'll know what to do.

Thanks lads,

I am cool with all of that stuff, as I had to do it in the early days. But the reason I asked was because I got the impression there was alternative means of coming by/generating a license file given that -R. mentioned risk. Therefore if one was to go to the PTC site etc. then is this not a bit risky? PTC can see what you are at, even if you just want to have Pro/E at home etc, for reasons other than commercial.


They dont ask what kind of card you have they only ask for the mac address. Its not that specific. If you have to call for a new license you tell them you either bought a new machine or you replaced your network card.

mikfur --

As you're calling them and tying the license to a new NIC (the USB adapter) there shouldn't be a problem.

The idea of the licensing is that you can only run one copy at a time, you can install it on as many machines as you want.

Even if you have it installed on 20 machines, you'll only be able to run it on the one with the USB NIC attached. it's perfectly legitimate.

I wouldn't go the MAC Spoofing route, as, not only would it be illegal to use it to run one license on several machines simultaneously, there are other risks that they just don't cover in that article that could cause you severe networking problems.


