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Multiple balloons of same component


New member
In 2001 when using repeat regions for ballooning,only one balloon was allowed for each component even if it had multiple instances. In wildfire 2.0, balloons can be added multiple times to the same component. Does anyone know how to set this back to the old way? This creates problems knowing what you have already ballooned in a large assy. Thanks.
No, we are using 'simple' but I didmess a little with'qty' and it still allowed placing the balloons multiple times but would adjust the qty with eachballoon placed. It prompts you for the qty when repeating a balloon if more than two but not if only qty(2).
I just played with 'simple', it doesn't look like 'simple' allows multiple balloons on same part (even if you have multiple of them).

On the other hand, 'with Qty' balloons, you can have mutiple balloons.
To do this, you need to 'Split' & 'Merge'.

i.e. If you have a part with qty of 2 and you want to show separate balloons.
When balloons are first shown it will show in one place with qty of 2.

To split them, click on 'Split' select the balloon, enter qty you want to split (in this case 1) then select other part for attaching balloon.

Good luck.

OK It appears to be working right for you, maybe something in our set-up. I have a call into support. Thanks for the input.

I am able to also show a balloon on an item more than once for the same item. The problem I have is that many times I will have a view that I want to show balloons in, and it wont let me? any Ideas on that one?

there are several ways this can occur.

can you be more specific i.e.

does your drawing have multiple sheets, multiple models, multiple reps, mutliple tables.


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