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when I run Pro Mechanica 2001 motion ,it gives compilation error. Pro Mchanica 2001 structure works. I am running Pro Mechanica 2001 on a standalone machine and operating system is windows xp.

Please help me
Do you have C++ installed on that machine with the appropriate environment variables set?

Mechanica Motion will not run without it...

-Brian Adkins
Thanks Brian,

I have just installed C++ but how to set the invironment variable. I have standalone machine.

Thanks in advance

Anybody else know this? Brian Adkins never replied. I didn't notice anything about this in the installation notes. Is it real? I can't compile either.

You'll need to add the following environment variable on a windows machine:


right-click on My Computer and choose Properties

choose Advanced tab

choose Environment Variables


The environment variable MM_C_HOME is not set correctly. Find the file cl.exe, which will be located in the C++ compiler loadpoint\bin\cl.exe. MM_C_HOME must be set to the C++ compiler loadpoint.

-Brian Adkins

