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modeling perforated sheet


New member

I am looking for a way to display a surface as perforated sheet metal. It's just for looks. I could try to pattern a bunch of holes, but I thought there might be an easier way like texturing the surface or something like that.

Thanks in advance

as long as you dont need to look through the perforated holes in thesheet a texture map would be perfect! check out or simply type texture map into Google and you'll get back a few sites offering free texture maps..

just save the texture as a jpg or bmp to your working directory and then from ProE, click on View/Colour and Apperances, then Click the "+" button which makes a copy of the default colour. then go to the "Map" tab and click the "check" button beside "Colour Texture". Then click the grey square box beside the check button and add your jpg as a texture. (do this by simply clicking the "+" buttom again and browse to your picture file.) then select the newly imported texture andclick "close". then under "Assignment" change "Part" to "Surface" and select your surfaces(s). then simply click "apply".

if the image does not look as it should, you can edit the mapping type by clicking on the "Color Texture" button and changing the maping type to perhaps "Planar"..

you can also change the number of copies, position and rotation here.

if an appropiate bump map is supplied with the texture you downloaded, you can add this in a similar way.

hope this helps.

I went through the tutorial and I was not able to patten the surfaces any ides what im doing wrong. the solidify feature is named solidify not patch. I think thats A WF2 thing.

you think you could send me the complete file for thepatterns it's been some timenow and I stillcan't get it to work. I'm on M120. I have a new project I could use this on.

Thanks, David
Where are you having problems?

I just tried the tutorial and get, to me, an irrational failure trying to pattern the grouped Copy and Solidify. The work-a-round is to pattern the surf Copy and then reference pattern the Solidify. You'll still get the performance bennies, or so it seems.

If you are having problems getting the quilt copy of the cut features, it's probably the selection technique (tho' seems I've had random problems Pasting unless the current selection set is cleared first).
No problems in selecting or copying the quilt.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />

I pattern the Surf's then when I pick pattern for the solidify it automatically place them with the right cut. Is this what you mean by reference copy?

Thank for the help, David
"Is this what you mean by reference copy?"
Reference pattern; yep.

Sort of curious why patterning the Group failed.
Bug or some little nuance we didn't get right,
just one of those little mysteries that make
life so ... interesting?
I got the exact same failure patterning the group. Patterning the surface copy and then reference patterning the solidify took 1/3 the time to regen as paterning the solid features so at least that part works.

Don't you just love it when a PTC tutorial fails!
Strange one that it fails alright, fails in WF 3.0 also.. not sure why..?

but the ref pattern does work quite well and it is all about increasing regen time which works! a few more clicks than originally thought but that's ok!


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