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MasterCam 9.1

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New member
Hi Everyone,

I just bought a MasterCam 9.1 software and installed it to my computer. Unfortunately, it could not work because something was missing. I don't know what happen, the error message stated HASP not found. Has anyone run into similar problem? Please give me some input, I really appreciate it.

You need to download the latest HASP device driver. Contact the company who sold you Mastercam and they should provide you with a download link.

Hope this helps,


Im not being funny but.... I use a seperate cam program to process my pro/nc files, as do probably most engineers that use this web site. If dattyph is using Mastercam to process toolpaths for jobs created in proe i think that he should be able to ask for help!

If he was asking for help for AutoCAD or solid works, then i can see your point.

You have helped me with past questions which i have posted which i appreciate, and i try hard to help people if i can, but if you cannot help, dont reply!
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Jason Turk
As in prevoius post; If dattyph is using mastercam to process his pro/engineer files, then it is related to proe! And the topic which i posted had everything to do with proe, as i was specifically asking for help on how to recover a pro/engineer file after a computer memory dump!

I have noticed that you don't exactly stick to all of these rule either !!!!!

I just think that if you cannot help the person who has posted the topic, Dont reply to it!!!
Sorry to say but tina your wrong andSpeling is right. This is proe forum. Only room for Solidworks etc. can be a comparison with pro/e but mainly there must be rules and ethics to stick to postings related to pro/engineer.

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