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Lost query select option


New member
Usually when i right click, proe (WF1.0) enters query select mode. Lately that mouse function has disappeared. I need to access it through the menus. Right clicking is so much easier than any hotkey on the keyboard that i could program. It gets annoying. Is this a setting that got fouled up? Any help is apprecited.

Have you lost the right click function in just proe? or have you lost the function in other applications (ie, excel, word, desktop properties, etc..)
This option is in 2001 ( not sure about WF) enter Utilities and then options. In the find box type in right_mouse_button_popup and select find. If it is set to no then change to yes. this should activate the right click.

Hope this helps.

the right mouse button works fine for everythign else... even in PROE. It is just the query select option that i have lost. I checked my and right_mouse_button_popup was set to default, YES. So i am still searching for the solution. Thanks for the reply.
If you hold the right mouse button down for ex. 1 sec. then query select will graphically go to the next part but if hold the rmb down for ex. 2 sec. or longer you will get the menu for query select.

Are you getting that functionality
Moroso, neither function works. Those two functions are what i am used to, and they have disappeared.
There is something fouled up with my file. When i remove that file from my startup directory, the right mouse click functions as it should. I will have to figure out what caused it.


Does killing ProE and starting it back up help at all.

Since you think it stems around the, did you do anything different to the windows interface of ProE lately
I altered my about a week ago (along with a bunch of other options). That was when i noticed the problem. The problem didn't go away when i restarted ProE.

I fixed the problem though. I deleted my file and recreated a new one with all my previous settings. My query select is functioning now, so i am not sure what set it off to begin with other than a bad setting in my old

Thanks for your help. If i ever find out exactly what set it off, i will post again.


