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Is it possible to mirror a group pattern?


New member

WF2 doesn't allow me to mirror agroup patternconsistingof a simplecut and a fillet (create local group for the cut + fillet, linear pattern, then mirror). Ireceive a message "Group pattern can'tbemirrored or move copied"? Am I missing something? I have to pattern the cut, the fillet each oneindividually then mirror them.Is there a quicker/ better wayto mirrora pattern with many features?

Thanks in advancefor your suggestion and help.
First pattern the cut, then fillet the first cut and click on pattern icon on right, you will see a reference pattern, click ok.

Thanks for your tip and help.

I wish that there is a quicker way such as being able topattern the cut, fillet, chamfer etcall at oncethen mirror the whole thing. It could save a few mouse clicks and extra steps don't you think?


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