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Is it possible to create a toolpath around the part?


New member
I have created my workpeice, attached at the bottom of this post and now I'm trying to create my toolpaths. Since I would like to cloud cut each of the peices out of the material, I'd like to create the toolpath so that it is only as wide as my cutter, that way, I only have to make one cut around the peice, making the operation much more efficient.

So, I guess my question is, can proe automatically go off the edge of my ref model, offset that edge to grow 3mm (width of my cutter) so I can make only two passes to cut out my peice (two z changes.)

Thanks in advance,


View attachment 130
If I understand you right you should be able to achieve this buy using a profile cut around each part or create a mill surface and tie all the parts together so you only have 1 retract.

The cutter shouldn't give you a problem if it goes outside the workpiece on ProE but make sure the path is clear on the machine.

This is a brief description so don't flame me to bad if I left something out. 8^)



Thanks for the reply. No flaming here, just trying to learn how to do this :).

Let me tell you what I tried already. I create a mill volume operation. When I create my sequence, I go into sketcher. Then I choose the edge offset tool and work my way around the first part (for left). After I go all the way around the part and hit the check, it tells me that the lines aren't connected. That edge tool looks like it would do the trick but I just can't get it to work :-(.

Thanks again for your suggestion.

I wouldn't create a mill volume to machine all these parts out with the least amount of cutter moves, I would use a Mill Surface with a Profile cut. The (poorly drawn) red outline on the enclosed picture is something of what I would sketch for the Mill Surface this way you can adjust the rough stock allowance to the finish part as you see fit.

I would think that sketching a mill volume is alot of work for what you want to achieve. I hope I'm right to what you want to achieve.

I don't know how you're holding these parts down when they do get machined away but the general idea is there.

Anyway this is off the top of my head 'cause I haven't used to Pro/MFG is a few years but I do have 9 solid years experience using it so I hope this is helpful.


View attachment 386

YES!!! That is exactly what I want to achieve, thanks for explaining it that way. Ok, let me go see if I can figure out how to achieve that using the Wildfire version.

I really appreciate all your help with this, being a newbie sometimes gets really frustrating, Pro/e is really vast in it's available functionality.

Have a great day :).
No problem Craig, I'm glad I could help.

I was once a newbie on ProE (14 years ago). I also taught quite a few Pro/MFG classes and understand how frustrating it can be for students.

Pro/Mfg is a very good machining package once you get all the tools, parameters, and other settings correct.

Don't hesitate to shoot me an email if you need anymore help

Dear kumaichi,

I believe what you are looking for is a profile cut in which you define the toolpath from an extruded mill surface. This way you define the profile of the surface by sketching it. Good luck! E-mail me if you have any other questions. Have a good day.


