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insert dxf as part.


New member
I have found 1 way to insert an external dxf as a part.

I do this by -file-open and then choosing a dxf instead of a Wildfire part. Wildfire2 then asks how the dxf file should be opened. I select "as part" and then I have what I want. In my feature tree the part is displayed as "Import Feature id 4"

Drawback is, that I can only "import" 1 dxf. And all parameters that are usually automatically generated from my starting model, are not in my model.

-Can I somehow just "insert" a dxf as a part into a part, that is allready opened ?

-Can I import parameters, from my start-model into a new part ?

Tia. Sander.
You can create separate part and import any number of DXF files you want, BUT, you have to specify coordinate system where to place your DXF geometry.

Create part > Insert > Data from file... > [choose DXF file] and specify coordinate system and then repeat procedure as many times you need to.
what i do is once i make a fresh part then in sketcher, i goto insert ?
->data from file -> load my dxf. then select all the valid


works well for me

that way u can change it around easier and u have all ur default datums.

loading it as a part makes it err less flexable in my opinion :)
My dxfs can be pretty complex, soo if I insert them as a sketch, my Intent Manager goes crazy.

By inserting it as a part, my dxf is fixed. I then use it as an underlayer for the rest of my part.

I guess both are two means of importing a dxf, but with different goals...


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