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Importing Part Models & Drawings From UG


New member
Hi Some times I need to import the 3D part and Assemblies from UG to Pro/E and making the Drawings for those.<?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>

Now I had asomewhat typical situationI already developed the Models and Subassembliesin UG along with Drawings. Now I need to transfer these to Pro/E.<O:p></O:p>

I can able to transfer the Part Geometry by using the STEP or IGES format and For Drawing I can use the DXF format. But I am able to see these two are as independent files.<O:p></O:p>

I am looking for logic to get the entire data From UG to Pro/E with associative Drawings. Associative in the sence just geometry change is enough. I am not expecting Parametic Dimensions and Parametric features in Models. Just imported data is enough. But I am expecting that, in fueture if we add any protrusion or cut-out in models those to be updated in Drawing views.

Is there any thing can I do to make this as simple as possible.<O:p></O:p>

If it is possible really it helps to me and for Lot of People also.Who are daily struggling this kind of Transferring data. Please also suggest to make this task in easy ways.<O:p></O:p>

Thanks a lot to this forum and to the members.

Please help me out....I will really appreciate.
Edited by: rp_h26
rp_h26 said:
... I am looking for logic to get the entire data From UG to Pro/E with associative Drawings. ...

No can do. Maybe look into Solid Edge? (I doubt that that level of interop is available even there.)
jeff4136 is my knowledge, none of the big players in the CAD
translation business have ever been able to provide for associative drawings.

Is there anyoneout there in the CAD translation business that monitors this board
that can comment on any current or future development efforts regarding
associative drawing translation?

