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I-deas to ProE (issues/successes)


New member
We are currently considering a CAD change from I-deas to ProE.

I would like to know what kind of learning curve there is to get to proficient use of ProE as well as any other issues with implementation.

Thank You
it depends on how complicated the work you are planning to use it for. going through the set of tutorials, you can do basic things.... these tutorials take about 40 hours. if you are planning to do more complicated things, it takes a lot of messing around with the program to find the most efficient methods of accomplishing your tasks. hope ths helps.
We are primarily in the sheetmetal fabrication business, so sheetmetal performance is important.

Obviously the rest of the CAE functions (Assembly, surfacing, analysis, etc) are important as well, but I would like to know about any instances where the transition went smoothly and how that was accomplished.
Take the PTC basic course, 5 days and the sheetmetal course, 3 days. They are well worth it.

Alternately you can pick up sheetmetal from a $50 book after you take the basic course, but I highly recommend their sheetmatal course. That is the route I went.
I have worked for many companies that where migrating into Pro/E. The best thing you could do is hire Trainer(s) to teach your existing users. This is much more effective than a 5 day course, which is soon forgotten without guidance and practice. Also the Trainer(s) can help to complete projects, or migrate old data into Pro/E. Paying one or a few (depending on the size of your company) consultants to this will show fast results. And they might turn into valuable permanent employees.
I too am making a switch to Pro/E from SDRC Ideas version 7m2. However I am now an individual with less cash than the basic course requires, and the others courses obviously. Any input on the effectiveness of buying the Student Pro/E & Mechanica and learning it on my own? Any good intructional books out there, like what they might give you and take you thru in the class?
We have been using Pro/E for about 7 years, and started using I-deas about 2 years ago. We were suppose to switch over to I-deas, but found our schedule to not meet that. So we currently still use Pro along with I-deas, which by the way is converting to Unigraphics soon. We have new people who sat down behind the computer with basic tutorials and no classes, and are fairly proficient with Pro/E 2001. As far as Wildfire goes, we will wait and see.
My company has on on-line (intranet) pro-e trainning package. It is supplied by a company called CADTRAIN COACH. We use this along with the basic training course from PTC.

The on-line package is great for jogging the memory and covers mulitile topics (surfaces, sheetmetal, pro-program, etc, etc)


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