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Hole Table


New member
Hello guys how you doing

I just wanted to ask how can you create a hole table that contains the threaded hole call outs. I have a print with many threaded holes and it looks very conjested with all the dimensions on it.

Thanks for your help
Hi PhilC,

In Pro/E you can create hole tables. But these hole tables will only read the holes. They do not read threaded holes. Hence the option available to you is to create a toolkit program for this.

This is the only option which I am aware of. Sorry.



can you explain to me how to create a toolkit program for this?

I also need to learn how to use this option.



Even I dont know Toolkit proramming. But I do know that the basic prerequsite is you should know pro/e and C programming.

Sorry I am not of much help here.


Thank all that replied,

I am glad to know that I am not the only one with out the capabilities.

Thank you for the follow up messages

I think what you are trying to do can be accomplished by the use of a parameter.You would need tocreate aparameter and then create a table on the drawing with repeat regions. The columns on the drawing table would then have the parameter names entered in from the keyboard. This table would update automatically if the thread parameter changed.
hi... is there any tutorial or step by step guide on creating hole table?? i've heard of it but never knew how to use it...

rgds... ksboo
Sorry for the blank post. This is what I had intended.....

Hi Ascorti,

You have suggested a very interesting alternative.. Can you please elloborate on it a little more.

Best rgds,


