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I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on the following:

<ul>[*]Is there a way to select multiple components and hide everything else? I have done this in other software packages and found it to be very useful. Someone mention to me that there might be a way to pick items in the model tree, and then toggle the selection, and then hide the others that way.[*]I seem to be able to hide and unhide components, assemblies, groups, and patterns of groups, but I cannot hide an unhide a pattern of components[*]When creating a cross section in a drawing, I sometimes want to omit components from the section. Meaning that I want to still show those parts as un-sectioned. Is there a way to omit complete sub assemblies? In on case I had patterned sub assemblies, and omitting them was tedious because I had to omit each component individually.[/list]
Thank you,
In your assembly, select one or as many parts as you like, then right click and go to 'representation' then 'master'. You now have only those parts showing. If you go to simplified rep you can save that as a rep and call it up whenever you want.


That didn't work for me. For some reason simplified rep is grayed out. I was able to create a style that hid components, but I was not able to use that style in my drawing creation.

I do wish you could toggle the selection. Very often in a large assembly I would like to just grab two parts in a model tree and hide everything else.



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