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geometry line width

Haven't you checked the drawing options? Its under File-->Properties--->Drawing Options.

I checked drawing option in properties, but there isnt parameter about geometryline width. Theoptionsjust about text and arrows style.
So for the line weights to be changed in you need to have WF 2.0 M030 or later.

Thanks for the help, i changed pen1_line_weight and it worked on the geometry lines.

this is a good reference for anyone:

! Pen 1 = white entities (object lines)
! Pen 2 = yellow entities (text, dimensions, cross hatching)
! Pen 3 = gray entities (hidden lines)
! Pen 4 = red entities (can use for drawing border if you change the
! entity color to red in the format file)
! Pen 5 = green entities (sheetmetal)
! Pen 6 = cyan entities (section)
! Pen 7 = dark gray entities (dimmed)
! Pen 8 = blue entities (spline surface grid)


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