New member
I had a Pro/E job that paid $10 an hour. I quit because the pay was so weak. Ive been looking for several months for a new job and cant find one. Ive had some interviews but no offers.
I have less than a years worth experience in Pro/E and that seems to be holding me back. Everyone is looking for at least 3 years experience.
I have an BSME and took Pro/E to add another skill. Im getting the impression that Pro/E is a waste of time. Mechanical Engineering is a dying field as well with all the outsourcin to Asia.
Should I change careers? The engneering field looks so weak these days.
I have less than a years worth experience in Pro/E and that seems to be holding me back. Everyone is looking for at least 3 years experience.
I have an BSME and took Pro/E to add another skill. Im getting the impression that Pro/E is a waste of time. Mechanical Engineering is a dying field as well with all the outsourcin to Asia.
Should I change careers? The engneering field looks so weak these days.