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Feature Creation in Wildfire


New member
It would be nice to select a datum plane then right click on it to specified type of feature (extrude, Revolve...)

The current build spreads the menu picks everywhere, (i.e. after selected an extrude icon, you have to move the ouse across the screen to select the dashboard.) and some times it it takes too much time to hunt for it.
You have a good point. My dashboard is on the top of my screen (my preference) which puts the sketck icon on the far left of the screen and the scetion pop-up on the far right of the screen. So when I pick a face first (this means that I'm using the direct modeling approach in Pro/E), I then have to travel my mouse to the upper left of the screen and hit the sketch icon and then move over to the right of the screen and hit the sketch button on the section pop-up.

I would like to see more use of the middle mouse button in cases like these. IE. Pick a face to add a feature (extrude, revolve, hole, etc) then hit the approiate feature button and THEN right mouse button to select sketch. At that point, I have no problem moving around the screen to change parameters of that feature.

Now, having said all this, I know that I can change the position of the 'Engineering Features' toolbar to the top of the screen, but, as far as I know, the section pop-up will always be on the right.

Steve C
I found this really irritating too. There is a similar problem if you want to cancel a feature when in sketcher. The cancel buttons are all over the place, that is even more irritating.

I agree with the addition of better use of the right mouse button menu. At least you wouldn't need to travel the whol screen 2 or 3 times.

Jeff T
and... If the code was written to take advantage of the windows registry, you could move around all the toolbars and menus so that when you open that function again, it would remember its location. Trust me, you old Pro/E users that haven't seen a windows CAD interface would love the ability to set up your workspace just like you like it.

Steve C


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