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Using WF2, I would like to adjust one of the offset dimensions of an
axis to make the distance between it and another axis equal some
value. Example: A1 is 200mm from DTM1 (offset reference) and
176mm from A2. What value of (offset reference) is required to
make the distance between A1 and A2 200mm?

Something like that. I remember learing this once, but I don't know where the information went off to.

As is my usual nature, I found the "add feature" button in the
Analysis>Measure dialog box (it was there the whole time, of
course), which allowed me to get the solution on my own. However,
if anyone has any insight into the process, I would still love to hear

<DIV>Using the Analysis feature is one way, but could you not represent this required geometry in a sketch? If so, you could use the vertex of the sketch to place A2.</DIV>


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