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Family Table Question


New member
I have a family table with about 10 part numbers. These PN's are what is in the vendor catalog, I really want to use our companies PN's. How do I do that? Do I add another column?

Steve C
If you are using Intralink (from previous posts, it sounds like you are), then rename the instances in Commonspace.

If you also want the manufacturer's part number in your family table as a reference, add a parameter in your generic part called MGF_NUM or something similar. Add the MFG_NUM parameter to your family table.
If your part numbers are stored as parameters in the models, click the Add Column icon, Parameter, and select the PN from the list. They'll appear as a column in the family table.

If you document family tables on drawings using 2-D repeat regions, you can filter out columns you don't want to print.

David Martin

Torgon Industries

