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Exploding Large Assemblies


New member
The question I have relates to exploding an assembly and wondering if there is a way to pick an area of components to movewith a window box or do you have to pick every little component. This is a very time consuming process. I'm using 2001 version.

Your comments will be greatly appreciated.

Thank You, Dan

You can affect individual parts. In assembly mode pick Modify, Mod Expld, and then Expld Status. You can selectively set whatever parts you want to explode by clicking in the model tree. By default the status is explode. By selecting them you can set it to unexplode and they should stay put.

Good luck

Thank you for your response. But I don't think I explained my delima very well. I am familiar with exploding views and using the explode status options, but I was wanting to know if there was something I could do to not have to select each component in an area of the assembly by using a window pick box (like PICK MANY in the SELECT MENU). If PTC would make that an option, it would make moving components alot faster. I just thought there might be something I'm overlooking.

Thanks again, Dan

Sorry I didn't pick up on that. I think that is a deficiency
that should belooked into.I know sub assemblies can be moved with the explode options as well asthe package option, just not individuals as a group. It's too bad that a group can't be moved with the explode or package. That would probably give you the result you need.

Good luck



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