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Electrode Extraction......


New member
Hi Guys,

This is Inba. I'm practising Pro-Mold. I don't know how to create Electrodes. If anybody knows please send me asap.

And one more doubt. What is the difference between CAST CAVITY and MOLD CAVITY MODULES. Reply soon.

Thanks in advance,


Well let's see,

Say you have a core block and you need to make trodes to burn part detail:

1) Create an assembly named '(part number)_core_trode'.

2) Assemble your core block.

3) If you have put any ej pin holes or anything else that violate your parting line, go into insert mode above them.

4) In assembly mode, create a seed and boundry surface of the enitre parting line and part detail.

5) Create a new component for your trode named '(part number)_core_trode-01'.

6) While in the assembly, make a part level cut using the quilt on your electrode.

7) Repeat steps 4 thorugh 6 for each trode needed.

These eletrodes will not have spark gap on them. You can do this as well but it is best accomplished with cutter compensation during maching.


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