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E books on PROE Mechanism/Mechanica


New member

Relatively new to PROE, i cant find tutorials on specific things (which i do say is asking too much) hence i was looking for manuals etc which teach us the Mechanism/Mechanica modules.

Our institute's library happened to have just 1 copy of PRO/Engineer Wildfire 2.0 's mechanism module manual.
unfortunately its been issued by our instructor. i was wondering whether there are any e-books available anywhere.

I'll be grateful for any help you can provide.


email : [email protected]

If you have access to the two proE help cds one of them is called
Advanced Help Topics and it containts pdf files with some tutorials with different modules of ProE. I
remember see the mechanism tutotrial in the advance assembly pdf file.
Hope this Helps! Check with your computer administrator if they have not loaded the two CD's.


Edited by: Luis Aguirre
THANK YOU JNOVAL AND LUIS FOR YOUR HELP, that site really helped alot

and i got the book issued from the library too :)

Isaw the reptar animation in the files section, is it made from PROE-cable?? if so are there any tutorials for that as well?

Thanx again!
Edited by: taimoor
Hi Taimoor

From which city u r in Pakistan

I m from Islamabad, any time any type of help u need u r welcomed.

Sorry for mechanism bcoz I also dont knowabout mechanism but very little.


[email protected]

I am new in group. I have little bit of experience of using UG and Ideas and bit of experience of using ansys. I woild like to learn Proe motion and mechanica. So if anyone can help me out in gatherinng the tutorials please send me the links. I will be thankful to you.

Thanking you.

With Regards,

Hi everybody

how can I get sometutorialson pro/E. Please help me in finding the tutorials relating to mechanism dynamic option.

Edited by: khalid pervez
Hey interested people,

I have managed to collect hoards of tutorials, (.doc .pdf .html etc) on a multitude of topics. im afraid they might not entertain highly specific search criterias but i'll be glad to mail any material anyone requests for.....

and ofcourse i'll be on the lookout for good sites which can be really helpful

all the best...

hey rajdwip,

Your request would be a little hard to fulfill owing to the fact that summed together, the tutorials size about 900MBs and i cant figure out how to send them through to u, even if it is gmail

nonetheless, if u would kindly narrow down the criteria (eg. tutorials forbeginners etc) i just might be able to help you.




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