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Drawings from family table instances


New member
You used to be able to create drawings for family table instances fairly easily by:
<LI>Open the generic drawing
<LI>Save a copy and rename it to the new instance name
<LI>Open the copy
<LI>Use Views | Dwg Models | Replace and select the instance, making it the current model

I can't figue out if this can still be done in WF2.0. Has anyone been able to accomplish this?

Yes, it is the same except except go to File/Properties/Drawing_Models. You can also get there by right clicking in the drawing (with nothing preselected) and picking Properties/Drawing_Models.
Okay between this and previous like question,

Lets say I have x number of instances of a part, I create a drawing of the generic

Dim it up, now I want to create drawings of all the instances.. so I replace the model with one of the instances...dwg model>replace

... now it's dimmed like the generic.. save drawing under new name... so on and so forth for all instances. change model and resave...

Is this the method? What if I have a whole bunch of instances... how do you automate this... I can see automating part of this but what If I want to do them all at the single press of a button.. is there some addon?
Do you need a separate drw for all instances?
Otherwise you can create a table and use repeat regions to show all your instances and the values for the dims or params that are varying.
I understand that I can have a generic part shown and a table listing thedifferent values for all the instances.

I do need drawings of the individuals, scaled 1:1 , no so much dimensioned but true size. In order to run the drw files thru pro_batch to create dxf files for the machine shop.

This way they can program the generic save that file with the cut info. Then delete the geometry,bring in the next instance<dxf> and just pick the geometry and regen cut paths.

It would be nice if it was Pro all the way but it's going into MasterCam for part programming, this way they can retain their tools speeds and feeds. It's just hole locations and profiles, no 3d. It's about asassociative as Mcam will get.

So is there an easier way to blow out the instances into drawings, like pro_batch will do for the drw to dxf conversion.

If I could mapkey the select model to the next instance and rename to that name life would be easier.
Related question:

I have a simple block with (4) dimensions I want to show in table form on my drawing. I cannot seem to create the table such that my rows consist of design parameters for each instance of the generic.

In other words, I want to have a basic block shown on the drawing with dimensions A, B, C, & D and have the ability of showing those values (parametrically driven) on the table under columns labelled A, B, C, & D.

Has anyone figured this one out? I have tried many forms of entering data onto the cells from the repeat region menu list, but cannot make it active.

Any help is apprecieated.
From PTC Help:
Use two directional repeat regions to read out the contents of family tables. This procedure shows you how to define the repeat regions and enter the basic parameters for a family table report. It assumes you have created the table cells already.

  1. <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Click Table > Repeat Region. The Menu Manager opens
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Click Add. The Region Type menu opens to Simple or Two-D.
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Click Two-D. You are prompted Locate corners of the outer boundary of the two-dimensional region.
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Select two points to define the outer repeat region. (The shape of this region is determined by how many cells in either direction you want to include in the subregions.) You are prompted Select a cell to set the upper border of the row & column subregions. </LI>
This is the cell from which the table will expand outward and downward. When you click this cell, subregion cells are added in both directions away from the cell, to the extent of the first region, so you can use them to enter additional family table report symbols.
In the example below 1) is the region you define first, the all-enclosing region. 2) is where you would pick to define the upper border of the subregions. The dark arrows show the direction in which the table will expand.

  1. <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    When you have defined the regions, click the middle mouse button twice to exit the routine. You will now enter the report symbols for the family table.</LI>

  1. <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Using the diagram above as an example, double click cell 2. The Report Symbol dialog box opens.
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Add the symbol fam.inst.param.value.
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    The report symbol appears in the cell. Now you will define the left side column for the instance name, and the top row for the parameter name..
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    Double click in cell 1, and enter the symbol, Repeat the process for cell 3, and enter
    <LI ="kadov-p-CTopic-Text-Numbered">
    When the parameters are entered, click Tables > Repeat Region > Update Tables. The family table is displayed in table form</LI>
Edited by: Isair
The drwtable is based on the order in the family table.

Sort the family table and it will reflect in your drw.
Thanks. I got it. But I need

1.toadd tolerances in the Parameters.

2. to keep the <instance name> in the 2nd column. (I could not able to swap the first two columns.

Edited by: mg_ayyanar2000
wsylvester said:
I do need drawings of the individuals, scaled 1:1 , no so much dimensioned but true size. In order to run the drw files thru pro_batch to create dxf files for the machine shop.

Try making the generic drawing as a "template". Then Create instance drawings using the generic drawing as a template. Since you are not keen on dimensions, this should do the trick.


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