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Drawing scale


New member
Is there a way to automatically scale the view of either the entire drawing or specific views based on parameters, i.e. if the part grows beyond a certain point, the drawing scales down? I am using WF2.0 m70.

There's a trick to do this automaticly.

In your object (part or assembly) create a parameter DRAWING_SCALE_FACTOR (Real Number).
Give the parameter a value...
Create a drawing with a drawing view 'no scale'. The scale of that view will automaticly follow the value of the parameter DRAWING_SCALE_FACTOR.
Now you can write a relation (in your object)for the parameter DRAWING_SCALE_FACTOR depending on dimensions of that object.
The result will bewhen the object becomes larger or smaller, ProE will return a drawing with always the same area of view. Meaning,... you will never get a drawing view that will be outside your drawing area.

I think you are looking for this ?

This worked very well in ProE2001. It should work in WF.....

Kind regards,
Filip Deconinck


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