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display issues


New member
I have two issues:

The left edge of the gray part is very "edgy" (I don't know how to say it.)

You are looking at a tangent edge, so you don't see the white outline of the edge as is on the top of the profile.

How can I remove the edginess ? (improve anti-aliassing ?)

How can I make the edges you see (the white outline on the gray part
and the blue outline on the blue part) more pronounced ? ie. two pixels
wide instead of one.

I allready have checked the smooth lines option, but I would like even more smooth and thick lines.

Kind regards,

View attachment 909
ProE 2001. Under model display settings you can antialias the edges, but as far as I could test, this does not affect (read : improve) the borders of the shaded faces. When edges are shown they default to single pixel and antialiasing is often worse than better on jagged (common term for "edgy") edges. The only way to really improve the shaded image is through rendering.

The biggest factor is your display resolution. Can you increase it? The second biggest factor is your graphics card. Some cards do much better anti-aliasing than others. You may want to play around with your driver settings too.

I don't know anyway you can change the width of the edge highlight.


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