Ever since switching to Wildfire we have had a problem with dimensions randomly scattering across the drawing. It will scatter the dimensions after regenerating the model, switching sheets on the drawing, or updating views. There is no pattern as to when it will do this. You can regenerate the model or drawing 12 times with no problems, and on the 13th time it will scatter the dimensions. PTC suggested that we set the config option "associative_dimensioning" to a value of "yes". This seemed to reduce but not eliminate the problem. We were assured that this problem would be taken care of in 2.0.
Now that we have switched to 2.0, it seems like the problem has gotten worse. Even the config option doesn't seem to be helping as much as it did in Wildfire. This is an EXTREMELY frustrating problem, as you could imagine.
It'sgotten so badthat I save every sixty seconds or so. That way when the dimensions scatter everywhere, all I have to do is erase the drawing from memory and pull it back up, rather than spending 10 minutes moving the dimensions back to their original positions.
Has anybody out there experienced anything similar to this? If so, were you able to fix this problem? Is there a better way of dealing with this problem?
Now that we have switched to 2.0, it seems like the problem has gotten worse. Even the config option doesn't seem to be helping as much as it did in Wildfire. This is an EXTREMELY frustrating problem, as you could imagine.
Has anybody out there experienced anything similar to this? If so, were you able to fix this problem? Is there a better way of dealing with this problem?