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Developed height


New member
I have a pipeline made out of two pipes, both cut at an angle, so the form of the pipeline reflects an elbow.

Now, to create those two pipes I use Standard module, create pipe and cut it atthe specified angle. When I try to create sheetmetal part and select driving surface, Pro/E creates FIRST WALL feature and cuts the edges of those pipes normal to the driving surface.

So when creating the drawing, developed lenght may be OK (with correctly specified K-factor) but the height of the pipe isn't. On the outer side of the pipe I lack of some material when I select outer side as a green side, and on the inner side I have too much material. And vice versa when I select inner side as a green side (driving surface).

View attachment 966

See attached image. When choosing inner side of the pipe as a driving surface, Pro/E cuts the edge (shown with the green lines), and when choosing the outer side of the pipe, Pro/E cuts it (shown with the magenta lines). That's on one side of the pipe. At the other it is other way around.

The question is how to "cut" sheetmetal parts as shown with the red lines (at the middle of the pipe/plate thickness)?

