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Datum On Fly


New member
What is the Config option for unhiding the Datum On Fly(Make datum)in Proe2001, so that we can reuse it.

you can do it manually from the model tree. just click on the group. and then right click on the datam and then "unhide"
Asa far as I know there is no such thing in Pro/E 2001, but when you are redifining the feature you should see all the "datum on fly" planes (layers being unblanked).
Ibotez is right. There is no such option is 2001. What puppet has mentioned is in Wildfire and later releases.

Sometimes "Make Datum" will not appear. At that point in time, when you know you should be able to "Make Datum on Fly", just choose the "Make Datum" Icon and a "Datum On Fly" will be created.I think it is a bug in 2001.
If you just want to reuse the same datum for another feature you can insert a feature after the one with the make datum and pick USE PREVIOUS for the sketching plane selection.


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