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Datum Curves


New member
I have recently switched from Proe 2001 to WF 1.0. In 2001 version there were many options for creating the datum curves which I am finding them absent in WF 1.0. Can anyone guide me to create the datum curves by methods available in 200 version in WF?

Thanks in advance.
Yeah, that fine menu mapper. All the curve functionality is not available there.
Maybe because it was under a button, and not a menu?!?

I've been looking very hard to create a composite curve. It is now copy-paste. It was this forum that let me find it, no help or menu mapper or whatsoever.

If I remember correctly, answer was posted in the past, choose 1 curve, hold CTRL key and choose rest, right click for menu choice to make composite. I am not on WF, but remember this as being the answer?
I've learned too. The curve options are available in the menu mapper!

Choose #Insert, #Datum, #Curve and then you have all the lovely 2001 curve functions like composite, formed, split, etc.


In Wildfire 2, if you did Insert, Model Datum, Curve all you get is Thru Points, From File, Use X Sec, From Equation.

It is a royal PITA in WF 2.0 for datum curve construction.

Off soap box whew!


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