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Creating part from digitized data


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Hi to all

I need information how to create points with x, y, z coordinates. I have scanned data (scanned model on cnc machine) x, y, z coordinates in text format. I must make points, which I will use for a reference in Style for creating surfaces. I have 500 points to create, and if exist some ease
If you have data x y z in text file, you can rename .txt to .pts. Then create point offset using csys and read your .pts file. This is if I understand what your asking. Hope it helps.

It sound like you need a computer that can count over 500 points! If you split points (or make say 5 .pts files) and create a csys at the end of the point (of that file) I would think it may work. Hope this helps and let me know.

Pro/E has always been limitied in the number of points it can read correctly. Make file with 99 or less points to get points with dims on them. You can read in all 500 points if you select Without Dims. But then you can't modify them. So break it up into 99 point files and read each inso they all have dims.


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