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coordinate system problem. Please Advise


New member
First of all, thanks in advance for your time and any help you can give.

I am receiving*.X_T files from a Solidworks designer. As he builds a mold assembly, he assigns individual coordinate systems (CS) to each component. However,whenhe exports them, the parts have lost associativity with the moldbase CSand insteadimport in relation to the individual CS.

This complicates things quite a bit on my end. If a need arises for me to assemble parts, I can't do it unless i translate the parts back together. Obviously, that is only a workable solution once in a while. Otherwise, it's just not practical.Besides, if the mold changes, all of the individual files have to be re-imported as new and in relation to the individual CS again.

Idon't useSolidworks, but itseems to me fromhow most userstalkabout it, thatit'sprobably capable of executing this fairly simple task, and my friend just hasen't got there yet.

My question is,can Solidworks export the individual part file in relation to the mold CS instead of the individual CS, while still allowing the designer toorganize the assembly how he likes? And if so, how is it done?

As to whatthe designer hasattempted so far,he informed me that there isn't a function available to select an alternative CS. He also thinks the best solution is for him to export front half and a back half assemblies that i could refer to. (IMO this is a poor option, because the part #'s and info will not be available to me. Similar parts could be confused.) I asked him recently if he would at least be able to export a point which would be relative to the moldbase CS. He told me he can't because he doesen't export from the assembly, and therfore can't attach the point.

Hopefully, I have included enough information as to what the problem is and what we have tried so far. Thanks again.

Edited by: stevrob


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