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convert AutoCAD hatch to solid in pro/e

Hello everybody,


I have this dwg file, that I have attached, which is a logo that I want to make it solid in pro/e. This logo was first created in illustrator. It was exported to a dwg file...and it is recognized in AutoCAD as a hatch. When I inserted it in pro/e (extrude-sketch-data from file) I faced a problem with some letters...for example I didn't have problem with the two first letters, although a problem occurs for letter "A". Anothet thought was to create a cosmetic sketch (insert-cosmetic sketch) and afterwards somehow to sketch it on the top by adding references. The thing is that as far as I know I can not sketch anything on top of the cosmetic sketch...

Can anybody help me pleaseeeeeeeeee.
I was able to create a prot with no problems.

I first opened the dwg file and created a section.
Then created a blank part.
I created a sketch datum curve and imported the saved section file.
Lastly I selected the sketched curve and hit extrude.

Done deal.View attachment 1870
Caldwell,How did you manage tocreate a section in AutoCAD???.

My problem is that I don't know how to sketch the exactcontour in AutoCAD because you can not snap at the edges of the letters.

Afterwards,I am ok with the steps in pro/e.

Thanx in advance
Just insert the dwg you zipped into your sketched curve and pro will get rid of the hatch automatically. It worked quite nicely.
Thats correct you don't have to create a sketch first. i was just
following the PTC recommend sketch path first. Typically I would
have just started my extrude and inserted the section.
Guys, Thanx for all the info, but from the beginning in Pro/e I can't extrude letter A. Thats why I wanted to sketch Letter A again, but as I said I couldn't sketch the corect contour because you can't use snaps in the hatch in AutoCAD. However becuse Caldwell you manage to do it, I will be grateful if you upload the pro/e sketch.

Thanx again guys.........
Caldwell you don't have to upload the file.....

Finally, Ifound why I couldn't extrude this logo. When I import the sketch, I was changing the scale...If I change the scale the problem occurs...if I leave it as it is there is no problem extracting the logo.

Is there a way to import the sketch in a scale 1:1????


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