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Control location of .proi folder?


New member
I received a new computer and have the Intralink Client and linked Wildfire installed but the new .proi folder is being created on a mapped network drive? I need to know how I can have Intralink create the .proi folder on my local HDD? Is this something controlled by a batch file such as proilink3.3.bat, or do I need to use administrative authority on the server?
<DIV>Add the following system environment variable on your computer:</DIV>
<DIV>Value: <desired path of .proi folder, i.e. D:\ places it on the root D drive></DIV>
<DIV>If the .proi folder is not there, then Intralink will create it.</DIV>
Edited by: Jason Turk
I usually use that in the batch file. I do not set it as a global variable to the computer's environment settings.

One good reason is if you utilize multiple workspace runtimes (i.e. 2 Intralink instances).
Thanks for your replies.

I have added the PDM_LDB_PATH environment variable using the Control Panel.
Select "System Properties" - "Advanced" - "Environmental Variables" and created a new "User variables for (username)"
Variable name: PDM_LDB_PATH
Variable value: c:\work\

And it worked! The ".proi" folder is now on my local drive under the work directory.

I like the Batch file idea.

Thanks again


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