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changing dimension in drawing mode


Active member
I want to change dimension in drawing mode but the nominal value radio box is greyed out.

I am using WF 2.0 M100.

put this into your

tol_mode nominal

then try again

off the top of my head, as no pro-e infront of me atm

Edited by: puppet
No, this is not the solution to problem.

Actually in the "Dimension Properties" dialogue box the

tolerance mode "As is" is greyed out

I have seen this issue and cannot remember the solution. In fact, I tried to repeat it with a draft dim. I thought that was the issue. Have you tried to load a new setup.dtl?
Is it a part dimension or a dimension created in the drawing? You can only change the nominal if it is a dimension driving the geometry, not a dimension created in the drawing.
Somehow my mind was stuck on changing the tolerance. If you right click a dimension and do not see "Nom Value" appear, it is a driven dim and it's nominal value can only be modified by changing the model. Dr. is correct again


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