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centerline and geometry centerline


New member

Can anyone explain the differences of "centerline" and "geometry centerline"?

Also the "Point" and "geometry Point"; "coordinate system" and "geometry coordinate system"

Thank you
difference between these will be evident to you if you use
them in a sketch. If you create a geometry point in the
sketcher, ProE will create a datum point at that location
on the sketch plane; and a datum axis for centerline; and
datum Coord sys. these datum entities will not be created
for "non-geometry" centerlines, points, etc.

Geometry centerline can be used in the "Revolve" tool to
create the axis of revolution within the sketcher.
I've mainly used geometry point (i think it used to be
called 'axis point'... are you in WF5?) in an internal
sketch to an extrude. When used here, the geometry point
becomes an axis, which can be handy.


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