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caterpillar engines


New member
I'm doing a proposal where we intend to use a Caterpillar 3126 IND-A engine. Does anyone know if I can find a Pro/E model of the engine? I looked on Cat's website to no avail. I know they use Pro/E for their development.
Thanks for recommending CADQuest. I don't want trade secrets, just a surface model of the thing to show in presentations.
Try contacting Catapillar.

maybe you can get an exported file from them.

I know SEMA has a sharing program with the big 3 car mfg co., my old Sales director is on te Board of Directors for SEMA and he gave me a contact for receiving alot of GM motor filesfor some projects our company was working on.

CAT should be able to provide an IGES or ideally a STEP model of this engine. Kubota does so willingly. Contact customer service and indicate to them you will be using this engine in x-hundred/thousand units , but must be able to present the proposal, and to do so you need a model you can apply to your CAD data. jrobi
If do not hear back from CAT, I have some contacts in the 3126 engine group in Peoria, IL which may be able to help you.

