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Can I hide some hidden lines?


New member
I am working on a part that has extruded test on both sides, so when I have the different views, I need to show hidden lines because it is a piece of pipe, so it has to show the hollow parts inside, however, the hidden text on the opposite side conflicts with the shown text on the front, is there a way to only hide the hidden text without having to reinsert the views. I already have it dimensioned and other views are based off this one view. Thank you for your help.
right mouse button click on the feature (in the view) hide edge .. ?

Works ?

Otherwise supress the text in the drawing-view tree ?
If I right click on the line and hit hide, it hides the whole part. It won't let me access hide edge, I have the toolbar up, but its not on there, and it should be. It won't let me surpress the feature for just that drawing view, I can only surpress on the original part and then that hides it in all views. BTW, I am using SolidWorks 2007 if that makes a difference for anything, since I know they've updated some things since then. Thank you for your help though.
I am using SW2008

here it works just fine

Try 2008 otherwise, send me the file incl the drawing then i'll check
I wish I could send it to you, but this is my work's property and against its policy to send out. Any suggestions are appreciated though...and thank you for your suggestions, anything is better than nothing. I wish we would upgrade to 2009. I think they are suppose to soon.
I found a way to convert the lines and then remove hidden lines and convert the lines back to dashed...thank your for your help Yossa.
Thats great

Maybe not the best way, but if it works, it works :)


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