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Broken view defaults to horizontal break


New member
I am trying to create a broken view with a vertical break.

The dialog box shows a horizontal break and the direction of break is greyed out so I cannot change it.

Has anyone had this problem?


Wali Crawford

Lodox systems, South Africa.
In the Drawing View Manager, under the "visable area" selection, is a drop down in thefourth column allowing selection of the break type, similar to the options in previous Pro E versions. To open the View manager, just double left-click on the view in question.

Good luck

Hi Curtis

I am working in WF2. The direction (first column) and the break type (fourth column) is greyed out before any geometry selections are made. Once the geometry is selected, the break type is available, but the directionis still greyed out.

I trieda workaround by re-orienting my view through 90deg. I was able to break the view, but once it is broken, you cannot re-orient it.

Hello again Wali. I am also in WF2. I use "insert", "view", "projection to create the view, that actually places an unbroken view. Right-click viewand select "properties" to open Drawing View Manager. Go to "Visible Area" and select "broken view". Now you should be able to add whatever break types you desire through column drop-down menus.

Good Luck

Robbins Engineering Inc, Fort Worth, Texas
Pro/E will limit your broken options based on the direction of projection from the parent view. If you need to break in the other direction, change the view type to general.
I am in WF2 using a general view. Once I makea break in one direction (vertical or horizontal)it will not allow me to choose another direction for the second break.

Does anyone know howto break along an incline? I have a ProE drawing in front of me that is broken vertical and at an angle, but it was made in Japan.

Thanks for any help.


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