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Bend a solid finger on a revolved part



View attachment 32

See the image - we have a part with 4 fingers. These deform under pressure at the point shown.

The question is - how would you model this in Pro/E?

I was thinking along the lines of toroidal or spinal bend, but these affect the whole model - we only want to change specific portions...

Surfaces may be another option...

Thanks in advance.
Surfaces are the only way I can see.

Cut the fingers out completely and recreate them in the deformed shape (in either solid or surface) but don't attempt to join it to the main body yet.

You can then use boundary surfaces to join the deformed finger to the main body.

Also, it's best if you create the fillet at the finger base as a round feature if you haven't already done so.
Thanks Doug.

I was gravitating towards that method: cut out the material & add 2 different patterned features - original & deformed.

Then we could switch between the 2 positions (family table or program).

How do boundary surfaces work?

As you say, the base fillet is a Round.

Actually would be easier without boundary surfaces.

Create the deformed fingers as a revolved surface (recommend 360 deg) and align the appropriate sketch entities to the main body.

Extrude a rectangular surface radially to define the finger walls (assuming you don't want pie shaped fingers).

Then create a surface merge by intersect using both of these surfaces.

Finish-off by creating a protrusion use-quilt. Then create the fillets.

This will be difficult to pattern as surface merges can't be patterned.

You could do 3 surface copies for the revolved surface and the rectangular surfaces can be patterned. Then create a surface merge for each finger...

