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Assembly won’t mesh


New member
I have an assembly, with three sub assemblies in it. I can mesh each sub assembly individually, but when I assemble the sub assemblies, I get errors.

"Could not complete creating elements on all of the selected entities"

"run-time error M6201: MATH -sin: DOMAIN error"

"Mechanica cannot pair the linked assembly elements near the highlighted entities. Try modifying the geometry to correct the problem."

Each time I'll tweak the settings slightly, and I'll get a new error. Those are the three most common. The last error is the most confusing, because it highlights an area on an assembly that meshes perfectly fine by itself, and only touches parts within its sub assembly.

Any help on meshing large assemblies would be helpful here.

I'm on the same boat with Ryan whenanalysing a 12-parts asm...I'dchanged to structure FEM modeto mesh the assembly. FEM mode has many great tools to control the process. But it seems another problem raised causeMechanica can't use the mesh created in FEMmode...

Any help being appreciated!!!


Is it possible to be sent the asm?


I had the same problem and now I use ANSYS DesignSpace 9.0 with Wildfire 2.0 and its wonderful.

But for idealizations Pro/mechanica is best.

No, this is not true. I have solved problems of assemblies containing subassemblies in Mechanica.

If you snd me your problem, I will giv it a try.



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