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Assembly - Pattern??


New member
Hello all,

I am doing an assembly that contains quite a few of the same components, consisting of flanges / seals / ferrules / clamps and pipework.

Is there a way that I can assemble one clamp to one of the gaskets, and then have Pro/E automatically populate the remainder of the assembly with clamps where-ever a gasket is placed?? All gaskets are placed individually, referenced to each individual ferrule face and axis(i.e. not patterned!)


Yes you can use reference pattern. Download the example files (that contain reference pattrn) from the Files section of this forum.

With all the gaskets placed individually you cannot automaticaly place another component with gasket references. You have to either create somewhat gasket pattern and then relate other models to the gasket with reference pattern (this way ProE would populate the models on all the gaskets) or manually insert models to every gasket in the assembly.
You can repeat model, that is already assembled in the assembly. E.g. you place one bolt in the assembly and you intend to have 10 bolts in that assembly. You can then simply repeat that original (one) bolt, use Repeat, specify placement references and place as many bolts in the assembly as you want or as many references you have.

You can access the Repeat function through the Menu Manager > Component > Adv Utils > Repeat. Then you must specify placement references of the origin(in the bolt case probably the axis and the planar surface) and then click references in the assembly in specified order. E.g. if you spoecify Insert and Mate references, the you should first pick revolved surface or an axis and then planar plane or datum.

And that's about it.
why not you just create a sub-assembly then repeat,replace or pattern which ever fits the purpose.

arroyopr said:
why not you just create a sub-assembly then repeat, replace or pattern which ever fits the purpose.

Is it practical to get the individual components to list in the BOM? I've thought about doing that for hardware groups (bolt, washers, nut, etc.) but held off because I don't want the subs showing in the parts list instead of a correct bolt, washer, nut, etc. count. Copying groups can be practical if there are enough components in the group... if only we could use Repeat on group heads ...

You always can go to table/repeat region/filter click the region(that will be the b.o.m.)then select by item and get rid of sa items. And kip only the components that you choose to have balloons.

Aren't there still problems ballooning the components in the subs? I looked at the possibility some time back, don't remember exactly what the difficulties were but think I discarded the idea as unworkable (?).

I've looked again at the group copy (see WF2 attached). Note the component placement dependancies in "Seed".
_Pick one of the groups in browser.
_Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V.
_MMB twice to get thru the Var Dims.
_Select three faces as prompted (or click Same if applicable).
_MMB done.

This seems to work better than any of my previous attempts (WF1?). It seems it's necessary to UnGroup in order to Replace (say with a different Family Table instance). Glad the question came up. 8~)
Not sure what the problem might be, Arroyopr. There should be 5 parts; block1 & 2, bolt, washer, nut and the assembly. There are no suppressed items. It is WF2. ???
Done deal, William. I emailed the set unzipped in case that's what's causing problems (isn't there a WinZip / XP native zip problem floating around?).

I also posted a description and mapkey that cuts a few clicks off the process to

for all my old Inventor buddies that still think Pro/E is hard to learn and takes too many mouse clicks to get anything done. 8~)
Here is the table file that I use, which doesn't show any subassemblies, but totals all of the components throughout the assembly. It does require a parameter for the material called MATERIAL_NAME, but it can be changed to suit.


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