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Angular_tol_0.0 in family table


How can I have get the built in parameter angular_tol_0.0 into a family table? Our drawing formats automatically insert this parameter into a table. I need to have a different value for certain instances. I can't seem to find a way to get angular_tol_0.0 into the table. The only work around I have come up with is to create another parameter (say def_ang_tol) add it to the family table and then write a relation to set angular_tol_0.0 equal to the new parameter. Seems like a really round-about way to accomplish what should be very simple. I don't like creating hidden tricks in my models that are likely to trip up the next person working on it. Is there a better way?
Pro/E R20 won't let me enter angular_tol_0.0 into a relation so even my work around failed. Now I am really stuck. Any suggestions? Can this be done in a newer release?
I can replace the &angular_tol_0.0 text in the drawing format table with plain text or with a user defined parameter but if anyone replaces the drawing format it will automatically revert to &angular_tol_0.0 in the new format. This is why I don't like cheating or faking things in Pro/E because it can lead to errors later. We tend to change drawing formats frequently because this facility has changed ownership many times. I think I will just have to make the default angular tolerance the same in all instances.


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