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angular dimensions


New member
I use std dimensions with new references to insert dimensions to my drawing. Is there a way to specify what kind of references I want to select? For example if the dimension referece should be a point, line or curve. I get a attach type menu to choose from, but that is helpful only if I want to select points as references.

say I want to create a radial/diameter dimension. I use the "on entity" attach type to select the curve. But this method seems to be arbitrary and sometimes it selects the point at end of curve.

a biggerproblem is with angular dimensions, when I need to select two intersecting lines. It always selects one of two endpoints on the line depending on where I click. Is there a way around this problem? any help would be appreciated.

thanks, abhishek
TryIntersect or make line some time this will let you pick diffent points or curve that you can't withOn Entityor Center
ya i also faced that problems. better use "query sel" while giving radius dimensions and angular dimensions. it will help u a lot.

if i know the version of proe you are using , it will help me for the reply.

