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Analysis of a cyl shell+solid top


New member

I want to measure deflection of a cylindrical shell (thickness 2mm) with a solid top(1 1/2" thick)due to a uniform airpressure inside the cylinder. It takesforever to mesh the assembly. It completed only 70% of the meshing overnite. Is this typical or is this because I have a Pro/E student version?Thank you in advance

Hey Ram,

If you are using shell idealizations for the cylinder and solids for
the solid top, this shouldn't take more than seconds to mesh. However,
at the risk of stating the obvious; you might need to clean the
geometry to get rid of all the small features (holes, rounds, ...) that
might be hindering the mesh. May be a snapshot of the model can help.
suppress all unnecessary small freatures (like holes, rounds...)to gear up the sovling process. And also, you must close all the gapsarisen when shells created (using some methods like end weld, perimeter weld, spot weld, rigid connection...)

You can search ptc help for further instructions, it's very helpful
Edited by: ndk
Hi ghareeb and ndk,

Thank you for your helpful suggestions. How do we tackle the same problem if the hole were an essential part of the design?

Thank you.

In that case; I'd leave the hole in, tighten the relative accuracy of the model (I believe the max is 0.0001), make sure there are no Geom Checks (#Info, #Geom Checks),create meshes for each part separately first (if this was an assembly), then run the analysis.

If you could share a snapshot of the model with us, we might have more constructive suggestions.

