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2-D Parasolid for Mime & CFD++


New member
Hi everyone,
we are trying to export a design to CFD++ to do some analysis for a rocket nozzle, but having some trouble exporting a good .x_t file for Mime (Multipurpose Intelligent
Meshing Environment). Does anyone know the procedure how to save just a 2-D 'boxed' (just a rectangle around the area of interest) image? How to add different regions for changing mesh sizing with Mime?
Thank you for any help,
<DIV =noMarginOrPadding>HPCwire >> Features </DIV>
<DIV =whiteLiner style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px">
May 21, 2008
<H2 ="black noBorder">Altair Opens Up HyperWorks </H2>
You probably found your answer now that Altair has changed it's stratagy.</DIV>


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