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stl file


New member
I have ct scanner data from a boneconvertet into 3d geomety.then i importedthe .stl file into proe. as result i have a facett geometry. can somebody tell me how can i make out of ths biological geometry asurface or a solid to handle with it in proe.
you could tryinserting pionts based on ratios over the facet curves, layer of the facet lines, and create surfaces...that may work...
The geometry has over 24500 Facets. it is nececary to keep it as original as possible. do you think the other programm called mimics creates polylines. i imported it in .igs. but there where only hundreds ofsplited curves. I can't try make a solid or a out of these curves.
your best bet is to hope and pray doc gallup sees this and knows the answer....


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